glazed burned clay filled with concrete, ca 12x12x12cm, 2021
„buy a fuck to give a fuck to people who need a fuck to give a fuck“
„Looking at the world, you wonder why some people just don’t give a fuck. Maybe they don’t give a fuck, because they don’t have a fuck to give.“
This is the initial thought which led to the creation of „Shiny Fucks“, shiny balls as a reminder that we should care – and a reminder of what it means to be human.
In an elaborate process artist Dirk Schwindenhammer creates unique balls which bare the imprint „FUCK“. The creation takes weeks and the resulting sculptures can never be totally predicted or controlled. Each „Shiny Fuck“ resembles each other but not one looks like the other. Each „Shiny Fuck“ has its faults and imperfections, yet is beautiful and perfect. The artefacts are like us, same and different, flawed and perfect. They shine like we do. And they remind us that we should give a fuck, that we should care about each other and the world we live in. They are fun and funny and they are deep and heavy and philosophical. Pick yours and see what it tells you.
Look at yours. What does it say about you?
„Creating those SFs takes weeks and it is a process which is in many parts out of my control. I know the direction but I do not know the destination. Throughout the process I hold them in my hands several times, carefully take them from step to step, from blowing balloons to covering them in clay, from filling them carefully with liquid clay to applying the word, from helping them hatch out of their shells to the first burning process and then covering them in glaze and burning them again and then filling them with concrete – each step leaves its marks, makes them unique and beautiful. It feels like giving birth and when I feel how heavy they are and when I see how beautiful they are, I am excited and happy and proud. I give a fuck. I do.“
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