digital, 18×24 inch each
Oh how I love coffee – and oh how I love thinking that we are all in this together. We are all connected and all the same and this Covid pandemic showes us. So let’s help each other out. For some Covid is a choice like coffee. Others don’t get to choose to die. But still, the pictures are pretty, don’t you think?
The colours I used are the colours of coffee, ranging from a dark black coffee to a coffee which is almost only milk. Funny how the shades of coffee remind us of our shades of skins.
I used myself as a model for this work, I actually took photos of me drinking coffee for nine consecutive days, thus making the process part of the work, as I tend to. My face is however made generic because I am every man, we all are.
I am wearing a black mask on every picture holding a white cup. That’s what it is about, white life, black death, in a world of blended browns.
For the initial letters I used a blx of old graphics I bought in Prague in 1991. It is a collection of hundreds of old illustrations packed in a brown box and it was a wonderful journey for me to rediscover and use it.
I used, as I like to do, different languages, trying to adress as many of us as I can. Once again we are in this together. And I had to check with friends who speak those messages to check if I get it right. The communication the works try to establish was already a part of their creation.